An employee's work environment plays a LARGE role in employee satisfaction. If going to work included casual dress, flexible hours, bringing your pet and playing video games while gathering for drinks and snacks on Friday afternoons, would you mind coming to work five days a week? I don't think so.
Of course there is a difference between professional time and playtime, but I think a company should provide perks when possible. The more you consider your employees feelings and wants, the better work they'll do for you and your cause. Makes sense, but the word 'fun' is often forgotten by management.
When a company creates an environment where employees want to hang out, they will work longer hours and will produce better results. A happy, engaged employee = better work turnaround.
If you're in management, think about how you can implement fun into your workplace. Start by considering your company's mission and see if your mission to customers also considers your employees. If it doesn't you have a problem. If you start to stream your mission throughout the workplace, the more your employees will 'live' your brand and mission. Further, the more they will 'enjoy' being at work and doing their work.
Check out the places that have gotten it right by looking the Best Places to Work for 2010 released by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal.
Great post & couldn't agree with you more Meredith. The challenge is that management immediately envisions "fun" as games, play time and employees running amuck.
ReplyDeleteOne of the reasons I developed Recess At Work ( is to show people that fun can be pointed and with a purpose. It can be used as professional development. It can be used for creativity and innovation. It can be used to create the next great customer experience.
An engaged employee is a happy employee. A happy employee makes the customer experience a bit more fun. So for those struggling with your employee having fun; let me ask you this.......Don't your customers deserve a fun experience? Start with your employees and it WILL trickle down.
Thanks so much for the comment Rich! I think we believe in the same strategy! I wish more companies would do this, especially with economy the way it is. It truly is an employer’s market and many believe they don't need implement or spend money on perks for employees. This makes employees feel burnt out and stuck in jobs they don't really care for, just because they can't afford to be unemployed and look for new work.
ReplyDeleteI checked out your website and it looks awesome! I hope you're able to go out and spread the word about the importance of employee satisfaction.