Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Use Facebook Ads to Make Employers Hunt You Down

If you pay attention to the news, you may think that anyone looking for a job should immediately cancel his or her Facebook account and never sign up again. Headlines read: Bank Intern Busted by Facebook, Employers Look to Facebook Too and Employers Snoop on Facebook. There's rarely anything new in the stories, but somehow they continue to pop up. More and more companies are using Facebook as a recruiting tool, but for the most part any press that has included the words "employer" and "Facebook" has been negative. Not anymore.

When you sign on your Facebook account, you may notice an ad on the right side of the screen. Facebook allows you to target your ads very specifically. More than ever, employers are trying to leverage Facebook to find great entry-level talent, but not many are doing a good job.

An organization called One Day, One Job came up with an idea, what if you reverse the role and have the employee target the company her or she wants to work for with Facebook ads? Basically, they wanted college grads to create an ad for themselves. The goal was to sell yourself with a picture and a few short sentences which would convince any recruiter seeing their ad to click through to their resume, web page, contact information, etc. Most importantly they needed a target. This target would be based keywords, location or company. Targeting by the company is the most likely to succeed, because they could guarantee that they would actually reach people who work at companies that might consider hiring them. How they target would depend on what kinds of jobs they were looking for. Yes, this process does cost some money, but overall when looking at its success rate, it's pretty cheap.

To learn more about this idea and how to set up your own Facebook ad click here.

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