I've recently started to use Twitter as a means of pitching my clients. Public relations is still quite a new line of work, but the reality is that PR professionals cannot always just do the same thing, we cannot always rely on sending a pitch and making follow-up calls to see success in our work. As PR professionals we need to keep evolving and thinking of new ways of reaching media. I think Twitter is a great way to do this. Why? Because first, many reporters are doing freelancing and don't have a specific outlet, phone number or email address, and second, most of the reporters we're trying to reach are there and posing questions to their followers! Here is what I've found to be the most successful ways to start the conversation with the media you want to through Twitter.
1. Introduce yourself. Don't jump right into your pitch, especially if you've never contacted this person before. Say "hello!" Otherwise, you're being creepy and rude.
2. Keep it brief. This may seem like a given, as it's Twitter, but try to keep your pitch to the point and don't send more than two tweets relating to the pitch. No one wants to read a book when they check their @ messages.
3. Don't use "netspeak." It's your prerogative to tell your BFF that you're "LOL"-ing at her joke and will "<3u4eva," but keep it professional for a pitch.
4. Link it up! 140 characters isn't going to be enough to hook someone (or event get them to remember what you're talking about five minutes later), so include a link with all the details.
5. Keep the conversation going. Don't pitch and ditch - keep engaging with your new contact (even if they decline your pitch)! You might be making a valuable relationship.
Have any experience with this sort of pitching? Please share your story! Happy tweeting!
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