Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cool PR/Fundraiser Idea From Minneapolis Based United Way

A new fundraiser website lets donors grin while giving. In a way you can call it a way of "turning that frown upside down."

The Happiness Exchange website shares depressing statistics - "32 percent of people living in poverty are children," and "1 in 5 American adults can't read enough to get by" - and allows donors to replace them with a smiling video or photo of well, you.

I heard about this fundraiser being managed by the United Way of the Greater Twin Cities and thought it was a neat idea. The site, (http://www.happyexchange.org/) allows donors (it's attracted those who are pretty tech savvy) to post a snapshot or snippet of their grinning faces over a sad fact that they are helping change with their gift. Further, the idea is that benefactors can 'look around' and see other fellow givers, resembling the title sequence of the classic show "The Brady Bunch" in which anything but good cheer was frowned upon.

Know of any other neat fundraisers? Please share!

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