Sean McManus, the president of CBS News said it was important that the network do something 'dramatic.' So instead they brought in the team hosting the show the other part of the week, Chris Wragge and Erica Hill, who are on "The Early Show" on Saturday. CBS doesn't think the change will make viewers want to check out the new guys, but it will start something different.
Broadcast television is a business built on habit - no more so than in the morning, when viewers mindlessly flip the television on with their first cup of coffee. The inertia is profound and cuts both ways. An object in motion, in this case the Today show, with nearly twice the viewers of The Early Show will remain in motion. It will get the hot bookings, the big guests and the tune-ins.
My question though, is if CBS wants to do something different, why keep the show the same and just change the players? If broadcast behavior is built on habit, CBS will need to do something bigger because I'm not sure this change will do any good. Here are some great ideas from a reporter at the New York Times for the producers at CBS:
Make a show for people who have not reproduced. Instead of running after the other networks and going after the American housewife on the verge of her impossibly busy day, why not try a show for young, new viewers. Something that showcases young talent and goes beyond family issues.
Move around. Where is it written that the three morning shows aim at Middle America must emanate from the same 10 blocks around Times Square? Booking traditional guests might be a problem in Chicago, but The Early Show is not getting that worm as it is. Look at Oprah.
Take a lesson from failing sports teams and hoard your draft picks and plan for the future. Make something truly Webby. "ABC New Now is a test project for a network that is trying on some digital and social media approaches to news, albeit with not many resources.
Create a more hybrid version of a morning show, something that is more portable, more adaptable to the Web and mobile devices. This would be a nice muscle to develop going forward.
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