I believe a good work-life balance is essential to living a happy life. How to you achieve yours?
Employees at Briargate Trading, a New York trading firm, work super hard around the stock market's 9:30 AM opening and 4 PM closing, but the rest of the day, as most other finance works are hunched over their desks, works head to the movies, play tennis in Central park, take leisurely lunches, visit their kid's schools or work out.
Here's something to think about, when are you intense periods at work and when are your lulls? Would you like a job where you worked really hard for a set time, but then could relax? Or would you rather just work steadily, but less intensely, throughout the day? If you could concoct your ideal work schedule what would it be?
If you're feeling a little over worked and need to get your work-life balance back, here are 10 tips:
1. Negotiate a change with your current employer. Progressive employers recognize the value of good employees, and many are willing to find ways to help current employees deal with short-term or permanent changes caused by family situations. The change can include flextime, job-sharing, telecommuting, or part-time employment. First, research your employer's policies and methods of handling previous requests. Then go to your boss with the information and a plan that shows how you will be an even more valuable and productive employee if you can modify your current work situation.
2. Find a new career. Some careers are simply more stressful and time-consuming that others. If you need more time for yourself or your family, now may be the time to explore careers that are less stressful and more flexible.
3. Find a new job. Rather than a career change, perhaps you just need to take a less stressful job within your chosen career. This change may involve working with your current employer to identify a new position, it may involve a full job-search, or it may involve temping or becoming a consultant or starting a freelancing or other home-based business.
4. Slow down. Life is simply too short, so don't let things pass you in a blur. Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Schedule more time between meetings; don't make plans for every evening or weekend, and find some ways to distance yourself form the things that are causing you the most stress.
5. Learn to better manage your time and avoid procrastination. For many, most of the stress they feel comes from simply being disorganized, and procrastinating. Learn to set more realistic goals and deadlines, and then stick to them. You'll find that not only are you less stressed, but your work will be better.
6. Share the load. Even though we may sometimes feel we're the only ones capable of doing something, it's usually not the case. Get your partner or other family member to help you with all your personal/family responsibilities. Taking care of the house or family should not be the responsibility of just one person.
7. Let things go; don't sweat the small stuff. It's simpler said than done, but learn to let things go once and awhile. Don't always worry about the dishes not getting washed each day or that the house doesn't get vacuumed every week. Learn to recognize the things that don't really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go. Then don't beat yourself up for doing so.
8. Explore your options. If you're feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities, get help if you can afford it. In many cases, you have options, but you need to take the time to find them.
9. Take charge and set priorities. Sometimes it's easier for us to allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed rather than taking charge and developing a prioritized list of things that need to get done. You need to buck the trend, develop a list, set priorities and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing things off your list.
10. Simplify. It seems human nature for about everything to take on too many tasks, to try to do too much, and to own too much. Find a way to simplify your life. Change your lifestyles. Learn to say no to requests for help. Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your house and your life.
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