Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7 Pieces of Good News Not Being Reported

Between watching news of both national and state politics in MN debating budgets and the hearing the verdict of the Casey Anthony case, I've been depressed to turn on the news again. However, some good news isn't being reported. Ever hear the saying, bad news sells? Maybe that's the current case.

#7 The Gulf of Mexico is almost back to it's pre-spill health levels. The Gulf is recovering much faster than anyone expected it to. Further, what was expected to happen didn't.
#6 The good news about AIDS. Today's HIV patients can expect to live a lot longer - even decades past their diagnosis. Further, the the global rate of new HIV infections has declined by 25 percent since 2001.
#5 The Antarctic Ozone hole is shrinking. Despite what you've heard of the Ozone gap growing, the truth is it is actually shrinking every year!
#4 Traffic fatalities are insanely low this now. Despite what you hear on the news each day about car accidents - the truth is that the number of car accidents happen is the lowest it's been since 1949.
#3 Teen pregnancy is actually at a record low. Even with shows like Pregnant and 16 on MTV, just like the news about traffic fatalities - teen pregnancy is the lowest it's been in 70 years.
#2 People get happier as they get older. A recent survey involving 340,000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 85 showed that the older you are - the happier you become. The group answered a series of questions about lifestyle and the results were surprising. The older age groups actually reported being happier, less stressed and more in control.
#1 We're all living longer, better. Statistician Hans Rosling has proved that average life expectancy globally has increased greatly since 1810.

For more information on the blog post check out - www.cracked.com for the whole story.

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