Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh Mel...

I've been a fan of Mel Gibson for a long time and until a couple of years ago he was one of the most well-respected and highly-paid actors in Hollywood. I can't understand why he is ruining his career and personal life. In 2006, Gibson was arrested after drunk driving and making anti-Semitic comments. (However, those comments were expunged from the arrest report.) Then last year he went through a divorce with his wife of 28-years, and who he had five children with, because he had an affair and got pregnant Oksana Grigorieva, who he eventually married. Now, he's going through another divorce with Grigorieva, because she claims he's been verbally abusive (claiming Gibson uses foul and threatening language towards her as well as the N-word) and physically abusive. Mel is not new to being an adult, so I'm not sure why he's making such poor decisions. Is the scandal with Oksana the last straw for Mel Gibson's movie career?

Mel needs to make a serious effort to save his public relations. Last Friday, after the news broke, Gibson's agency, William Morris Endeavor dropped him. Then Monday, new audio surfaced, capturing more of the former A-lister's angry and expletive-laden rant to ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone will want to have him in their film or any audience would want to go see a movie starring Gibson.

Now, the LA County Sheriff's Dept. is investigating the actor in a domestic abuse case because Gibson seems to acknowledge that he hit Grigorieva, the mother of his child, when he responds to her mention of him hitting her by saying, "you... deserved it."

After all this, I can't say I still think highly of the man. And, I'm not sure I would go see a film that had anything to do with him. However, I can't say this is the end for his career success. If Mel wants to make a comeback, as I said before he needs to make a serious effort. He should make an apology and admit he needs to figure out what is wrong with him, whether it be alcohol abuse, drug abuse, etc. Then he needs to recognize that he has a problem and show how he is going to solve it.

Mel Gibson is an artist and knows how to produce good work. He needs to focus on this self-quality and maybe if he produces great work again, he can resurrect his public image. However, this situation is a catch-22. He needs to resurrect his public image before a studio would probably hire him to work.

What do you think? Would you go see a movie produced by Gibson or starring Gibson?

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