Sunday, April 25, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

We're forced to make decisions everyday of our lives, both big and small. You probably don't even realize how often you do. Practically every few minutes you will be forced to make a new decision. TV or book? Front page or crossword section? Coffee, Mocha or Latte? Go out or stay home?

I was inspired to write this post after watching the CBS Sunday Morning Show this weekend and viewing their story on decision making. I learned that many studies have been done on the act of decision making; researchers have actually studied and come to conclusions on how and why people make up their minds on something. This a very interesting topic when you relate it to the public relations, marketing and business world. If you could, wouldn't it be valuable to know to influence your consumers to better make a decision in your favor?

For a long time it was said that the best way to make a decision is to be rational, yet in recent years scientists have discovered that the rational brain can only take in a few bits of information at any given moment. If you give it too much information, it starts to short-circuit and sputter. Therefore, it is recommended that you just go for it when faced with complex decisions like buying a car, computer or even a house. Your emotional brain is much better at taking in a lot of information.

The kinds of decisions you make are often based on the type of mood you're in at that moment. Research shows that happiness and anger produce similar results. They both make you under-perceive risk. They both make you take risks and they both are associated with the sense of certainty and control.

Now back to how this can help us in business...

Of course if there are a lot of options out there, the more likely you'll find the exact thing you're looking for. However, studies show that you don't want to offer too many! Our brains become too overwhelmed with too many options and basically shut down. The fact is that the more choices we have, the less likely we are to actually make a purchase. It's been discovered that you get tired and your immune systems drops when forced to make a decision from too many options. You even become more likely to catch a cold!

So for you business professionals, you should learn from this. Consumers do not want to be bogged down with too many options. If you want them to remember you, only show your best few and then show more if they ask. Remember this while designing your website or informational handouts too. Leave room for white space! It's not visually appealing to see something with too many words or image distractions. Plus, no one will ever read all of what you have to say there are a lot. Viewers are much more likely to read what you have to say if you only put the information or images you want people to remember - and that's it!

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