Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Really? McDonalds Facing Lawsuit Over Happy Meals

The Center for Science in Public Interest is giving McDonald's up to 30 days to stop promoting toys with the purchase of their Happy Meals, saying that the company is contributing to the obesity epidemic that the country is dealing with.

As for McDonald's they insist that "getting a toy is just one part of a fun, family experience," said spokesman William Whitman.

"Tempting kids with toys is unfair and deceptive, both to kids who don't understand the concept of advertising and to their parents, who have to put up with nagging children," said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in Public Interest.

My personal opinion is that parents should be responsible and take control of deciding what their children eat. When I was five, If I had the choice, I would have eaten a McDonald's Happy Meal every day, but my parents of course didn't allow this. I can see the Center for Science in Public Interest's side, but cannot agree with their call to action. There are a lot of other fast food chains out there doing the same thing, but because of McDonald's size and history of success they are getting blamed for consumer's great lack of self control.


  1. Thanks for reading David! I just don't feel it's McDonald's responsibility over a child’s parent to make sure the kid eats what is considered a ‘healthy’ meal. If you don’t want your kid to eat a particular restaurant’s food, don’t take them there! There are plenty to choose from!
